- Sarah Schwettmann

Example domain paragraphs

I am also broadly interested in creativity underlying the human relationship to the world: from the brain’s fundamentally constructive role in sensory perception to the explicit creation of experiential worlds in art. I see this as a frontier for understanding intelligence and building intelligent machines. As a grad student I designed and co-taught MIT’s first course on Vision in Art and Neuroscience, which I continue to teach every fall. You can learn more about it here .

MILAN: Natural Language Descriptions of Deep Features . We introduce a procedure that automatically labels neurons in deep networks with open-ended, compositional, natural language descriptions of their function. E. Hernandez, S. Schwettmann , D. Bau, T. Bagashvili, A. Torralba, J. Andreas. Natural Language Descriptions of Deep Features. ICLR 2022 (Oral).

Visual Concept Vocabulary . What is the overlap between the set of representations in a GAN, and the set of concepts meaningful to humans in visual scenes? We introduce a method for building an open-ended vocabulary of primitive visual concepts represented in a GAN’s latent space. S. Schwettmann, E. Hernandez, D. Bau, S. Klein, J. Andreas, A. Torralba. Toward a Visual Concept Vocabulary for GAN Latent Space. ICCV 2021. [ Project Page ]

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