- Homepage - CODEL | Solutions & Engineering

Description: CODEL is an industrial engineering and electronic production company established in 1991. Our main solutions are Trace and Track and Quality Assurance informatics systems

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CODEL is an industrial engineering and electronic production company established in 1991. Our main solutions are Trace and Track and Quality Assurance informatics systems, as well as Automatic Identification, Product Marking, Warehouse Management and Quality Control. We offer professional services and have great experience in finding, scoping and executing optimum technical solutions that utilize the newest technologies, all to the highest customer satisfaction. We construct systems using modern informatics

Codel's solutions are placed between our client's existing ERP systems and the manufacturing processes of the company, integrating technologies, business processes and enabling (more streamlined) manufacturing automatization.

Industry 4.0's envisions truly smart companies, factories and plants that are flexible and efficiently integrate clients' and other business partners' (suppliers, co-operators) processes to increase speed and consistency, and consequently more efficiently convert inputs into output, no matter what the area of business. It's about connecting machines, devices and sensors (Internet of Things) to optimize this greater whole.