- How to Coach Employees to Help Themselves - SalesFuel

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Are you at risk of losing one of your best team members? With TeamTrait's workforce analytics, you'll know. Request Access Managers sometimes find it hard to draw the line when it comes to helping their employees. If your new sales assistant seems intimidated by the bully in the budget office, she might be in the habit of relying on you to get the monthly sales numbers. Duplicate this scenario thirty times a month with your other team members, and you’ll be running from one task to another, instead of getti

It’s not appropriate for managers to hand off all their duties to their team members. It’s also not appropriate for you to do their jobs. In the case of the sales assistant, you could get on the phone and order the budget assistant to deliver the sales numbers immediately. But, there are times when a team member should be handling issues herself. To get out of this rut, you’ll need to establish a coaching plan.

Listen Your team members can easily work themselves into an emotional state about a perceived unfairness or slight. If your assistant has decided she can't work with the budget manager, you need to get to the bottom of the problem. Ask your assistant to explain a specific encounter with the budget manager. Maybe the budget manager barked at her when she went into his office, or he told her to leave him alone. His conduct might not be acceptable, but to develop as a professional, your assistant has to learn