- A Fitting Problem; Christian Newton online

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February 3, 2018 Stop the Spots: Reverse Engineering the Hirst Spot Painting It wasn't until I saw them in person that I got it. Specifically, the spots bug.

By photograph, the pigments fall into neat order as percentages of RGB color space: apparently perfect in their shape and uniform in their tints. But in person, the chemistry of the paint makes itself known: the high gloss finish sets every candy-drop of color off of the matte canvas, a shining dot matrix. In person, you can't help but move around a spot painting. With motion, light slams off the paint surfaces and cycles into still more shades.

Compared to the paintings, I found the woodcuts and continuous-tone prints that Hirst has authorized uninspiring. No, the only way to get a Hirst on the cheap would be to paint my own from scratch.

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