- Christina Maynard

photographer (20410) landscape (7824) nature (7812) wildlife (3693) national parks (286)

Example domain paragraphs

Christina grew up in Baltimore County, MD where she attended an accredited magnet high school for the arts. She gained and improved upon skills such as digital film, film photography, illustration, and design, graduating in 2015. She earned her BS in Film from Full Sail University in March of 2019. 

In November of 2020, Christina, her partner, Dylan, and their two dogs, Peanut and Oslo moved across the country to Colorado Springs in search of better career and outdoor adventure opportunities. Dylan works in tech and Christina found a full-time position as a video editor and content creator. 

Christina served a summer season with Americorps and Idaho Conservation Corps; earning her Class A Sawyer and Class B Crosscut Certification with the US Forest Service. Her passion for environmental conservation and outdoor recreation as well as her strong desire to live and work outdoors was solidified.