- Carbon Credits Trading | Blockchain Crypto Tokens | Buy Carbon Offsets

Description: Climate Futures offers blockchain enabled crypto tokens that represent carbon credits. Calculate your carbon footprint & buy crypto tokens to offset usage.

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Our 1PLANET Marketplace promotes climate friendly products and services that you can use to create a more sustainable lifestyle. Our 1PLANET App connects you to the marketplace to make it easy to manage your climate impacts and help our planet. Check Your Climate Impact HOW TO USE 1PLANET TO HELP THE CLIMATE SELECT THE ACTIVITY TO REDUCE MEASURE YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT BALANCE YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT SUPPORT CLIMATE PROJECTS KEEP REDUCING WITH 1PLANET PARTNERS Check Your Carbon Footprint MEASURE YOUR CLIMATE IM

Use the carbon calculator to see how your lifestyle affects the climate. It’s easy and quick.

Then choose a project to support to reduce those carbon emissions.