- Carolyn Vickers

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Dear Missy,

I remember one moment from graduation weekend vividly. It was when I said goodbye to one of my best friends. We were in the parking lot at Townhouse Apartments - where neither of us lived. But he was about to get in the car with his parents and I didn’t know when I’d see him next. At the heart of it, graduation is an ugly constellation of all of these moments. It’s when you say goodbye to your friends and, for the first time, don’t know when you’ll see them again. For a graduation present I’m bringing you a

I’m only 27 years old but the past 6 years have given me some time to think about what I wish I knew when I left college. Even better, I’ve asked a lot of people who are much smarter and much more successful than me for what they wish they’d known when they left school to start working. And this letter is my best effort at compiling and summarizing that advice. At this point there's probably not any advice that you could hear that's bad advice - as long as it makes you think.