- Claire Burbank

Description: Hello, my name is Claire Burbank and I am 17 years old. My books help children have good time learning about bullying in a fun way. The books also teach lessons that help them develop coping skills and approaches to prevent bullying at school and in life. In 2018, Claire Burbank raised over $1000.00 for…

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Hello, my name is Claire Burbank and I am 17 years old. My books help children have good time learning about bullying in a fun way. The books also teach lessons that help them develop coping skills and approaches to prevent bullying at school and in life. In 2018, Claire Burbank raised over $1000.00 for NH Schools, Libraries and Nottingham Charities.

I have published twelve  books, eight of the books are in Claire’s Bullying Series .  To find my books in New Hampshire, please visit Local Independent Bookstores.  If you are looking online, all you have to do is search “Claire Burbank” in iTunes or Barnes & Noble, or go to my page .