- CITRULLINEMALATE.COM - User reviews and ratings for Ergopharm Clearshot supplement

Description: Ergopharm Clearshot is a next-generation energy drink with powerful neuro-stimulating and endurance enhancing properties.

performance (6705) endurance (413) stamina (214) energy drink (189) ergopharm (1) clearshot (1) neuro-stimulating (1)

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Clearshot is a next-generation energy drink with powerful neuro-stimulating and endurance enhancing properties.

Powered by Geranamine™, the GC Neuro-Stimulant Blend produces a supercharged yet prolonged energy, which, when felt in combination with the intense thermogenic heat induced by Ginger- Derived Thermogenic Spice, produces an incredible feeling that must be felt to be believed. In addition, a solid 3 grams of Citrulline Malate is included to combat muscular fatigue, thereby increasing muscular endurance and recovery.

If you're looking to increase performance (at the gym, at work, or out on the town), this is the energy drink for you.