- CIS Refunds Information

construction (16500) industry (3086) chartered accountants (329) cis (233) paye (141) refunds (42) icaew (18) alan boddy & co chartered accountants (1) alan boddy f.c.a. (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Are you a subcontractor or contractor working in the Construction Industry and worried about related accounting and tax paperwork or self employed status? There are many unqualified, unregulated, and unprofessional organisations who set up as tax agents and who will offer to obtain your refund at a low fee.

However, very often they don't have the expertise or knowledge or they are unwilling to spend sufficient time on your affairs to maximise your tax refund. Their low fees are a false economy.

To keep more of what you earn, you should consult a firm of fully qualified and professionally regulated firm of Chartered Accountants.