- Stronger Economies for Better Lives | Catalyste+

Description: We empower people, businesses, communities and institutions to drive sustainable development and improve lives by sharing the right expertise and experience.

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CESO was created to be a catalyst for stronger economies and better lives. Our organization has grown since its founding, and our work has evolved to address diverse development challenges and deepen our economic impact. We’ve modernized our name and look to reflect this evolution and better express our purpose and promise.

Our Evolution to Catalyste+ We’ve evolved our brand to better tell the story of our organization and our role as a leader in economic development. Catalyste+ better expresses our purpose and promise, personifies our modern, dynamic approach and simplifies how we’re presented around the world.

We collaborate with businesses, governments and community organizations to strengthen knowledge and accelerate solutions for inclusive economic growth. Alongside our partners, we’re dedicated to ensuring all members of society have the chance to build better livelihoods, improve their lives and contribute to strong communities.

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