- The Intactivism Pages

Description: The case against infant genital cutting and for genital autonomy for all sexes, viewed from many angles.

circumcision (145) foreskin (74) intactivism (8) intactivist (3) circumstition (2) circumcize (1) circumsize (1) circoncise (1) circumise (1) circumised (1)

Example domain paragraphs

The struggle for genital autonomy and against the involuntary genital modification of children of any sex:

This site differs from others opposed to genital mutilation: its focus is on intactness rather than on genital cutting . It is intended to counteract the mindset that the foreskin is an "extra" "flap of skin" -

- and that male genital cutting is the norm, and the corresponding mindsets that lead to the cutting of girls and intersex people.

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