- Cindy S. Jones

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How we fall in love, how we come to know ourselves better.  And how it might be possible to change and be happier in the real world.

Cindy Jones grew up in small towns, reading for escape, and dreamed of living in a novel. After marriage, children, and a business career, she wrote  My Jane Austen Summer: A Season in Mansfield Park  and discovered that, through writing, it is entirely possible to live in a novel for a good part of each day.

Lily is caught in a cycle of loss: her mother died of cancer, her boyfriend left her for an earth mother, and she's been fired from her job for reading Jane Austen novels when she should have been rerouting payroll tax deposits. When the opportunity arises to travel to England to re-enact  Mansfield Park , she thinks she may finally realize her dream of living in a novel. But even in England, where Lily is immersed in a literary festival so rich it seems Jane Austen is present, her problems find her. Lily m

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