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No results Home Banking Career Investing Loans Markets Financial Blog Home Banking Career Investing Loans Markets Search Financial Blog Menu Investing According to a CNBC poll, only 8% of Americans still have a positive attitude toward cryptocurrencies After a series of crypto meltdowns, scandals, and bankruptcies, Americans’ views on cryptocurrency have taken a sharp turn for the worse, with the CNBC All-America Economic Survey finding a majority in favor of strong regulation. The poll shows that 43%…

FOMC will continue to raise interest rates in 2023. (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images) Getty Images Americans received positive news yesterday that the rising inflation rate is slowing. The Federal Reserve finally has enough data to make less justification for…

In this article BX Follow your favorite stocksCREATE A FREE ACCOUNT Investors nervous about Blackstone’s real estate investment trust should view it as a long-term vehicle well-positioned for the future, the company’s president said Thursday. Black Stone has lobbied in…