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When the times are good, it’s hard to say no. Soon thereafter I headed off to Wellington, the home of Imbuko Wines and the host to the Gravel Travel Classic on the famed Welvenpas trails. A young Steph Senekal showed off his XCO prowess and held off an established name, Lourens Luus and myself to take the win on the day. It was a good hard burn coupled with great trails and was my last outing on South African soil before I headed off to Mauritius.

I had visited Maurtius before, but never to race and was thus unsure of what to expect. Who would be my competition, what would the weather be like and what riding conditions would we encounter. Well the Island threw a curve ball on the first stage as we encountered monsoon like rain, wind and mud. When it rains it pours? Yes. After missing a turn 10km into the stage, Matthieu Desserprit from Reunion and myself found ourselves on the back foot so to speak and we were a good 10 minutes behind the front of th

Gravel Travel Classic.