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Description: Making world a better place Christopher Kiblin is an Area Branch Leader at Movement Mortgage, Real Hustle Podcast Host and Author of Amazon’s

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Christopher Kiblin is an Area Branch Leader at Movement Mortgage, Real Hustle Podcast Host and Author of Amazon’s bestselling motivational book “Own Your Day.” He is part of the Top 1 percent of Mortgage Loan Officers in the Country. Chris also holds multiple certificates such as Grant Cardone Ambassador Program, John Maxwell Master Coaching, and DISC Program. Christopher started working at the age of 11 when kids of his age were playing outside. Since childhood, Chris has had a lot of hardships and struggl

Christopher’s parents divorced when he was one year old, not worrying about their kid’s future, making his childhood rough. After high school, Christopher joined the ARMY to get the discipline he needed. After getting out of the Army, Chris married the love of his life, Debbie. They had a struggling start as it was not easy for both of them. When Chris and Debbie had their first son, Alex, their life changed completely. Chris regards the birth of Alex as a turning point in his love life. Alex brought them c

Carrying the mindset of making things happen, Christopher developed himself as an author and motivational speaker. He wanted to share his wisdom with the struggling people around him so they won’t make the same mistakes as him. Moving forward with his pep talk skills, Chris started Real Hustle Podcast. The reason behind Real Hustle is his passion for helping the audience to learn about successful entrepreneurs and the best strategies in the marketplace. The show highlights accomplished people in their persp