- Christina's Capsule

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Winter is here! And with that, the challenge of dressing for freezing temperatures while looking put together for work. It’s hard enough getting out of bed when it’s dark and cold outside. Choosing an outfit needs to be simple and easy. Enter my winter work capsule wardrobe. Similar to my  fall capsule wardrobe , it includes only the essential items. Consider it your inspiration for building a minimalist wardrobe.

I started organizing my closet into seasonal capsule wardrobes because I wanted to maximize what I already own and purchase fewer, higher-quality pieces.

A seasonal capsule wardrobe is a small collection of your favorite clothing and shoes for a particular season. It doesn’t have to contain a set number of pieces, just the items you love to wear. Versatility is key. Everything you choose should be able to be mixed and matched. Therefore, it’s best to have a color scheme in mind. That’s why my capsule wardrobe only includes workwear. It’s easier to edit a small subset of my closet. And it’s the category of clothing I wear most often, so making it feel effortl