- Colt Chimney Cowls for chimney pots and flues

Description: Colt Cowls market leaders in the production of chimney cowls since 1931. Chimney cowls for use on chimney pots, flexible flue liner, twin wall flues and chimney cowl accessories. Products include birdguards, chimney cowls and Rotorvents

adapters (250) chimney cowls (12) hightop (7) colt cowls (5) colt top (5) chimney birdguard (5) flexible flue (4) duraflue (4) colt top 2 (4) birdguard (4)

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Colt Cowls supply the largest range of chimney cowls in the UK, and have a reputation for producing the highest quality chimney cowls and chimney birdguard cowls available on the market. 

For over 80 years Colt Cowls have been supplying the UK market with chimney cowls and can therefore boast the most experience in designing and producing chimney cowls. In fact, since 1931 over 4 million Colt Chimney Cowls have been successfully installed in the UK!

No other chimney cowl manufacturer can claim the same.