- | understanding & nurturing the spiritual life of the young

Description: understanding & nurturing the spiritual life of the young

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understanding & nurturing the spiritual life of the young

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to understanding and nurturing the spirituality of children. ChildSpirit is a network of families, researchers, teachers, health care providers, community and religious leaders, and scholars. The formal organization includes a Board of Advisors, a Board of Directors and an Executive Board. Through an array of projects involving...

ChildSpirit Institute is not affiliated with any particular religious group but honors the spiritual development of all wisdom traditions. We create project teams and partnerships to initiate the creation of innovative programs and projects. Through research, publications, networking, trainings, camp, conferences, speaking, consulting, ChildSpirit is helping to change the way society (parents and grandparents, educators, health care professionals, innovative religious and spiritual leaders, and community le