- Chhetri Samaj UK – Chhetri Samaj UK

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Starting as a humble initiative in 2007 by some of the retired Chhetri Army personnel of Gurkha has now significantly expanded to become one of the competent and respected social organization in the UK. Working with the Chhetri communities in the UK with the coverage in most parts of the country where the targeted communities are settled, it implements its support initiatives at need, cohesive lively hood and advocates for the promotion of its cultural heritage both to the upcoming generation of Chhetri and

CSUK (Chhetri Samaj UK) is a self-steamed community based non-governmental and not profit-making volunteer organization. It has standard organizational structure and membership alignment which enable every member to establish his/her say and act selflessly for the support at need in the community. We aim to work with Chhetri and other ethnic communities in the UK.

At present, CSUK (Chhetri Samaj UK) has almost 300 aligned members, a full-fledged functioning 23 members of executive committee, Seven area committees, a patron club and five members of Advisory body which is managed and controlled by Seven members of the Board of Trustees.