- Michael Chen

Description: Hello! I'm an incoming freshman at Carnegie Mellon University majoring in computer science.

Example domain paragraphs

Hello! I’m an incoming freshman at Carnegie Mellon University majoring in computer science. Among other things, I have experience in web development; OOP, algorithms, and data structures with Java and C++; C++ competitive programmming (USACO silver), Windows appdev in WPF XAML/C#; 3D and VR development with Unreal Engine 4 and Unity; ML/DL in Python with Pandas, Scikit-learn, and Tensorflow; and mobile appdev with Flutter/Firebase. You can find more on my Github and Gitlab - below are some demos of my work.

Baseball batting simulator built in Unreal Engine 4. Simulates gravity, drag, and Magnus forces on baseball pitches. See code here

Exeter Course Map : a visual curriculum-planning tool which maps my school's 400+ academic courses in tree-styled graphs. See code here