- Chemtrail Planet

Description: Videos, flyers, articles, photos and documentation of chemtrails/geoengineering for the promotion of chemtrail awareness. Also includes information for detoxifying from the poisons. Photographic and video evidence of chemtrails, along with military, scientific, and government documents and links as relates to chemtrails and information about Monsanto, fluoride and miscellaneous topics that are related. This site also includes coverage of various other topics in an attempt to show the BIG PICTURE.

climate change (1538) climate (939) chemtrails (68) geoengineering (32) weather modification (17) weather warfare (2) chembombs (1) aerosol scatterings (1) weather wars (1) solar radiation management (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Recently updated pages: Action Ideas , Legal Actions , Their Plans , Monsanto , Growing and Acquiring Food , Morgellons , Fluoride , Vaccinations , Wifi , WHO , Health , Agenda 21 and 30 , IRS , EPA , FEMA , Media & Propaganda , and last but absolutely not least  the jab of the beast  .

I hope you take a look at my Odysee channel on which at least 95% of the videos would not be allowed on Youtube or Facebook. Here is the link to my channel: jbreezes3961 .

If you take the time to take a good look at the environment that is above your head, you are likely to see a sky similar to what is in these pictures.

Links to (2)