- Cheder Chabad Baltimore

Description: This is your moment! Partner with us today to sow the seeds of GROWTH for Cheder Chabad Baltimore.

charity (6963) fundraiser (852) charitystudio (2) future forward<br /> (2) here we grow (1) 300k (1) every $ doubled (1) it’s time to grow (1) &nbsp;cheder chabad baltimore (1) &nbsp;cheder chabad baltimore

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We Did It! Together, we have raised $309,151.42 today so that we can GROW and thrive into the future. Here We Grow!

Level 2: BONUS ROUND! Congratulations, we’ve advanced to the bonus round!  Thanks to our donors and the generosity of our matchers, we’ve reached our goal of $300,000! We are growing our goal to an extended bonus round of $330,000!

As a community, we move towards the call of the hour for the next generation! Together, we plant seeds of growth, addressing the needs of our school community today so that we can GROW and thrive into the future.  The past year has primed the Chabad Chabad family for the greatest growth spurt we’ve seen yet. The post-covid reality has given rise to tremendous innovation amongst our programming and new initiatives from within our faculty all around. As a community, we have zeroed in on the call of the hour a