- The Cheap Bastards Guide to San Francisco - cheap ideas for a pricey city The Cheap Bastards Guide to San Francisco

Description: cheap ideas for a pricey city

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Looking back, the Cheap Bastard has come to realize that this humble old site,, has been around a while now! In fact, we've been around long enough that the landscape of cheap is shifting right out from under our feet.

First and foremost, if you haven't noticed already, there's been a huge financial catastrophe which is continuing to unfold before our eyes. The upshot is that a lot more folks are in need of saving money 'case they don't have the money that the once did. On top of that, there's been some inflation too. Not out of control inflation, the actual rate is quite low, but some factors, such as the requirement that businesses such as restaurants provide health care coverage to their workers has caused lunch prices

Lunch in downtown SF was once a meal that, with a little skill, could easily be had for $5 or under. Those days have waned! Now, getting a lunch downtown for under $8 should be considered the standard for cheap.