- Home - Chatterley Whitfield Online

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Welcome to Chatterley Whitfield Online, a website devoted to collecting and curating information about England’s largest existing deep colliery site, in Stoke-on-Trent. We are interested in your memories, images, documents and other media connected to the site. If you’ve got old documents hanging around in your loft, or you want to share a story of the site with us, this is the place to do it!

This site is also the home of two AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council) -funded projects exploring what happens to large industrial facilities as they transform into major heritage sites. Chatterley Whitfield is just one of three sites that we are investigating, each at a different stage in its life story, and a different contribution to make to our project. Explore the website for more information.

Chatterley Whitfield v2 by Alex on Sketchfab