- Charles Eppley, PhD

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INTRODUCTION Hello! I'm a contemporary art and digital media culture specialist. I research and write on digital art, intermedia practices, and computational aesthetics, and currently writing a book on sound artist Max Neuhaus (1939-2019) and the politics of listening. Specifically, I study how sound and listening contribute to a multi-sensory framework for understanding "art and technology," and connect historical technologies of power to those of today. Currently, I'm a Lecturer of Interdisciplinary Arts

My work foregrounds interdisciplinary analysis, pairing art history with disability and gender studies, as well as musicology, media studies and the history of technology. In this effort, my work complements conventional artistic formal analysis with scientific knowledge and cultural critique. 

One of my core interests is to examine how the field of "art and technology," and its many attendant techno-material cultures, sustains and creates political ideology. From the "politics of listening" to an emergent political economy of "blockchain aesthetics," my work examines how art and media both engender new modes of expression and cultivate systems of power.