- Change Plus - Home

Description: CHANGE - Promoting Behaviour Change towards the Eradication of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Practising Communities across the EU. The CHANGE website will provide information about the pilot programme, the project partners, Change Agents, EU-policies, European campaigns on ending FGM and much more.

women (5207) des (826) rights (424) femmes (358) terre (266) lobbyarbeit (26) genitalverstümmelung (8) grrls (2) genitalverstuemmelung (2)

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However, there is a new project to support – Let´s CHANGE!

Different from the predecessor, Let’s CHANGE comes with several innovative ideas that will enhance the outreach of our work. For instance, there will be some changes regarding the recruitment of CHANGE Agents: Apart from our experienced cooperation with African diaspora communities, we invite members from other migrant communities, like Indonesia, Iraq or Afghanistan, to participate in our project. In addition to that, the implementation of the project will be joined by three partner organisations namely Pl