- Personal Injury Attorneys Illinois, Missouri and Arizona - SL Chapman Attorneys | SL Chapman

Description: SL Chapman Lawyers are experienced personal injury attorneys that have gained a reputation nationwide for aggressive representation of injured people.

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Every year innocent people are injured through no fault of their own. Personal injury claims are based on the law of torts. A tort is a civil wrong that unfairly causes someone else to suffer loss or harm resulting in legal liability for the person who commits the tortious act. Every tort claim, regardless of its basis, whether intentional, negligence, or strict liability, has two basic issues - liability and damages. Was the defendant liable for the damages you sustained? If so, what is the nature and exte

There are many different types of torts, such as auto accidents, defamation, product liability as well as many others. A good example of how the tort system works is an automobile accident. You have a negligence claim in a “fault” state if you are injured by a driver who failed to exercise reasonable care, because drivers have a duty to exercise reasonable care anytime they are on the road. When that duty is breached and a personal injury results, personal injury law says you can recoup your losses.

Once negligence has been established in a personal injury case, the defendant must pay the plaintiff for all injuries caused by the defendant’s actions. Certain types of damages are easy to calculate, such as property damage and medical bills. Expert legal help may be required for other types, such as emotional distress and loss of earning capacity. Punitive damages, meant to punish and deter egregious conduct, may also be available.

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