- Chameleon Care Manual

Description: Thinking of buying a chameleon or already own one? Discover what is involved in keeping and breeding healthy chameleons!

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The chameleon is one of the most fantastically-bizarre of all lizards, which definitely explains their popularity in private collections. Their very nature has led to a lot of pet fanatics wanting to add chameleons to their collection.

While that is not necessarily a bad thing, many of these people underestimate the work that goes into owning a pet chameleon. They are often very difficult captives that require constant care. I've put together a list of the most important considerations that pet owners should plan before they make the final decision to care for one of these fantastically-bizarre lizards.

However, before you commit to owning a pet chameleon, there are a few things you need to keep in mind – for example: are you home enough? Chameleons require careful observation (as you're going to learn) but you must also be there to turn their light on/off and to mist them. I have heard of chameleon owners setting up these systems and then leave for a whole weekend. What would happen if a timer malfunctions? If you really want to own a chameleon, then you must be prepared for the responsibility.