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Description: Blog about everything in IT - C#, Java, C++, .NET, Windows, WinAPI, ...

blog (28911) development (16252) .net (11583) programming (6458) c++ (3642) vista (540) проблема (22) дефект (2) chabster (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Whenever I need to code something, the very first thing I do is google for a ready to use solution. Some time ago I had to calculate IP and TCP checksums. Every peace of code I googled was unreadable junk. I wonder is it really hard to write good looking readable code, so you can just copy and paste it?!

The following simple code does not work:

00007FF6166FB0F0 mov qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx 00007FF6166FB0F5 push rbp 00007FF6166FB0F6 sub rsp,30h 00007FF6166FB0FA mov qword ptr [rsp+20h],0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEh 00007FF6166FB103 mov rbp,qword ptr [$S2] 00007FF6166FB108 mov eax,dword ptr [rbp+20h] 00007FF6166FB10B mov dword ptr [rbp+78h],eax 00007FF6166FB10E cmp dword ptr [rbp+78h],5 rbp has the address of coroutine frame, frame has two consequent 64-bit values - address of resume method and some internal state flag, which is set to 2 initially. dword ptr [rbp+