certified-translator-limerick.com - Certified Translation Agency in limerick, Munster, certified translator, English-Spanish-French-German-Italian-Portuguese-Arabic

Description: Certified Translation Agency in limerick, Munster, certified translator, English-Spanish-French-German-Italian-Portuguese-Arabic-Polish-Chinese, limerick, Munster - 001 Translation UK

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limerick Translation Services is a translation agency specializing in legal and certified translations. Our qualified translators are native language speakers originating from more than 50 different countries. We work in 64 languages from Albanian to Vietnamese.

limerick Translation Services translate documents for a variety of bodies including the Department of Immigration, universities and colleges, social services, local, regional and national government offices, district Courts, the High Court and the Supreme Court.

At limerick Translation Services we are experts at translating marriage and birth certificates, diplomas, contracts, driving licences, civil registry documents and websites.