centralpennsaabclub.com - Central Penn SAAB Club

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With the support of several select dealers, our members enjoy generous discounts on SAAB parts and accessories, and in some cases, labor as well. We meet once a month for an informal dinner meeting and organize and attend events throughout the Northeast and Mid Atlantic regions of the United States. Because of our growth, we now count members in New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Ohio, Virginia, and most of the New England states, as well as across Pennsylvania.

Whether your interest is simply getting out once in a while, meeting other enthusiasts, scenic touring, rallies, attending SAABs @ Carlisle, traveling to the National Owners' Convention or learning more about your car and SAAB's heritage, the Central Penn SAAB Club has a great deal to offer.

Photograph courtesy of Jessica Dymun, taken at SAABs@Carlisle 2020.