ceeudeco3.blogspot.com.es - Derecho del Consumo: bibliografía

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Información facilitada por el "Centro Europeo para el Derecho del Consumo" (Barcelona - Bruselas - Madrid) --- Para consultar la página principal: http://derechoconsumo.blogspot.com/

Simone Mueller Loose et al. , . Appetite (2020) doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2020.104843 [ published online before print : 18 August 2020 (*) ].

The purpose of this study is to examine consumers' reactions to the introduction of nutrition and ingredient labelling for wine, a product that is so far still exempt from mandatory nutrition and ingredient labelling. It also analyses the effect of positive and negative information about the use of ingredients in wine on consumers' choice. Representative samples for wine consumers from three distinctly different countries representing old and new wine markets (Australia, n = 745; Germany, n = 716; Italy, n 

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