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Minimalist influencers and creators on various platforms, including social media, blogs, and YouTube, can provide inspiration and guidance for those interested in adopting minimalist principles into their lives. These influencers often share their personal experiences, tips, and insights on minimalism, decluttering, and intentional living. Here are some minimalist influencers who have made an impact:

Marie Kondo: A Japanese organizing consultant and author of “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” Marie Kondo has become a global sensation. Her KonMari method focuses on decluttering and organizing possessions by keeping only items that “spark joy.” Her approach to minimalism has inspired countless people to declutter their homes.

Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus (The Minimalists): Joshua and Ryan, known as The Minimalists, share their journey from high-stress, consumer-driven lives to simpler, more intentional living. They have authored books, produced a documentary, and host a popular podcast, all focused on minimalism.

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