- Ricardo@UCL

Example domain paragraphs

Fast facts: I am a Professor of Statistical Machine Learning and Data Science, working on computational approaches for causal inference, graphical latent variable models and relational models.  

STATG006 office hours: Wednesdays 2pm-3pm, unless stated otherwise in the Moodle Announcements forum. In general I will not be available at other times without an appointment. My office is number 139 at the 1-19 Torrington Place building (corner of Torrington Place with Tottenham Court Road).  

Software   ObsInt . A simple approach for learning from observational and experimental data using Gaussian processes. MATLAB code. CausalFX: Machine learning for causal inference with observational data . Methods for inferring causal effects based on a combination of linear programming and Bayesian inference. Also available from CRAN . Old code to reproduce our NIPS paper on the Witness Protection Program here . XCOP: Dirichlet process mixture of tree-structured copulas . MCMC method for Bayesian inference