- Caterater

Description: Search food hygiene ratings at over half a million UK establishments.

food (17806) search (8534) cafe (5474) pub (2709) hygiene (1005) rating (497) restaurant ratings (6) restaurant inspections (4) food hygiene ratings (2)

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Every effort is made to ensure that the information provided on this website is accurate and up to date. No legal responsibility is accepted for any errors, omissions or inaccurate data.

All of the data on this website is provided by The Food Standards Agency and is administered by them on behalf of the local authorities that participate in the scheme. If you have a query about a particular establishment or you believe that some details are out of date or incorrect then please contact the relevent local authority in the first instance.

If you encounter any technical problems when using this website or just have a comment or suggestion, please get in touch -

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