- Cassandra Mortimer – Read to Write & Write to Read

Description: Cassandra is a romance-obsessed individual with the memory of a goldfish and the purse of an eighty-year-old-woman. She once tricked her teenage crush into being her boyfriend, and then in true rom-com style, he married her. The two of them now live happily ever after in Boston, MA with their cat Pumpernickel and eight very-packed…

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Cassandra Mortimer

Read to Write & Write to Read

Facebook Instagram Folio About Cassandra is a romance-obsessed individual with the memory of a goldfish and the purse of an eighty-year-old-woman. She once tricked her teenage crush into being her boyfriend, and then in true rom-com style, he married her. The two of them now live happily ever after in Boston, MA with their cat Pumpernickel and eight very-packed bookshelves. When she’s not busy bingeing love stories in all their various mediums, or working at her day job in media/publishing, you can find her