- water crisis

Example domain paragraphs

China is defined by its two great rivers: The Yellow River and the Yangtze River. For millions of years these rivers have formed the lifeblood of Chinese civilization. The the Yangtze has always played a critical role in the transportation of goods, while the Yellow River, also kown as the "Mother River", is a source of rich fertile soil and irrigation water. With good, however, always must come struggle. These rivers periodically transform themselves into raging torrends, sweeping away entire villiages. Th

As the story goes, Yu grew up watching his father, the ruler, build a series of dikes and dams along the river in an attempt to control the floods. Time and time again the river overpowered his dams. After nine years Yu took his fathers place as ruler, and decided to approach this problem differently. Instead of blocking and disturbing the river's natural course, Yu devised a system of irrigation canals, which diverted the flood waters into fields. This system allowed ancient Chinese culture to flourish alo

Many will claim that the canals created by Yu the Great form the first section of the Grand Canal , which stretches 1,104 miles and connects the two great rivers. Creating this canal was the life work of several rulers throughout history, before it was completed during the Sui dynasty (581–618 CE). Beginning in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, the Grand Canal was the primary route for grain and other commodities from south China to reach the capital city that would become Beijing, making it vital pa