- Welcome - Carole Olinger

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My name is Carole Olinger and I am a former Luxembourgish government officer who took a four-year sabbatical to find new professionally enjoyable challenges. I live in the German Eifel together with my husband Alain Schlesser and our three French Bulldogs. I am also a certified dog's behaviour and health trainer and all-over passionate about dogs. Furthermore, I am a committed "lipedema fighter" for myself and other affected women with regular appearances in print, online and TV media in Luxembourg.

Since WordCamp Europe 2016 in Vienna, I have become a true WordPress Community-Junkie, passionate WordCamp attendee, volunteer, speaker, and organizer.

I am currently building my first websites, among my personal blog. I am an occasional content writer and between August 2017 and March 2019, I was the WordPress Community Manager for Plesk . More to come very soon, so stay tuned!