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Arriving back to Monrovia after our harrowing trip to Sierra Leone, we had a few hours to pack, sleep and it was off to the airport to catch our flights.  Our action-packed-non-stop-adventure through Liberia and Sierra Leone had so quickly come to an end. 

Early the next morning I went through all the usual rigmarole involved in getting on a flight; I checked in, went through security, used the only flush toilet I’d seen for 3 weeks and settled into the passenger waiting area.  Tumbleweeds rolling by would not have surprised me in the least, but I was secretly glad for the peace and quiet. That all came to a sudden and abrupt end when a security guard approached me with a piece of scrap paper in his hand. “Are you” he asked, pointing to the piece of paper wit

I was quickly whisked away to a backroom and told there was something in my bag they had never seen on a scanner before.  I would need to open it for closer inspection.  Oh man, I had just paid $5 to have my bag Saran Wrapped I thought to myself as I stepped into the back area where the scanning machine was located.  As the staff were trying to carefully unwrap my bag so they could reuse the plastic when they were done the inspection (I think you could easily just give that job the title 'mission impossible

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