Description: Bringing Expertise To Needed Systems Change. Impacting health outcomes related to substance use through evidence, compassion, and integrity.

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LEARN Inspire Engage APAP Podcast Contact About FR Main Menu MENU Main Menu MENU LEARN Inspire Engage APAP Podcast Contact About FR Main Menu MENU Main Menu MENU OUR VISION We envision a world where all individuals have access to the informed services and supports in seeking help for their Substance Use Health without stigma or discrimination.

Stigma is best understood as a deeply held set of false beliefs about a group of people with at least one attribute in common. This allows the judgement, oppression and discrimination of those people to take place. This is done by either overt actions or silent complicity with those actions. (CAPSA, 2020)

CAPSA offers educational opportunities to engage in lifelong learning through training on the topic of Substance Use Health, stigma, person-first language, and allyship. Stigma and judgement-free language about Substance Use Health must become a priority that moves us away from presumptions of disorders and bad/harmful actions.

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