- Caps Lock Indicator - software to monitor Caps Lock changes

Description: Software shows current state of Caps Lock, also notifies about Caps Lock changing with different sounds.

caps lock (5) capslock (5) caps lock indicator (2) capslock indicator (2) caps lock monitor (1) caps lock desktop (1) caps lock window (1) caps lock screen (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Many laptops and wireless keyboards either don't have any indicator for Caps Lock or have it located in an inconvenient or hidden place, under a hand for example. So knowing the actual state of Caps Lock, especially after accidental key pressing is a huge problem!

You can easily solve this using Caps Lock Indicator software. Moreover, you'll be notified with different sounds when Caps Lock is turning On and Off !

You can evaluate Caps Lock Indicator software free of charge during 30 days. If you decide to keep this program after the trial period, the license costs just a few dollars :)

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