- CapCityKids

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CapCityKids (The Capital City Fund for Education) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization created to help children facing homelessness beat the odds and get a quality education.  CapCityKids develops innovative programs and provides direct resources to help these students stay in school.  CapCityKids is different than other non-profits in Austin because it is a volunteer based organization and 100% of your donations go directly to students and their needs.

The idea is simple. These kids are in special circumstances and need a special response team that can flex to their needs without much bureaucracy.  The public private partnership devised by AISD, Project Help and our CapCityKids team creates and implements programs with 100% philanthropic funding and zero cost institutional oversight.

We are pleased to announce our CapCityKids 2022 Charity Golf Tournament, taking place on October 19, 2022 in Austin, Texas.