- Canoe Trips, Missouri Canoe Trips, Michigan Canoe Trips, Maine Canoe Trips � Canoe Trips

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If you are aware about the various canoe parts and their functioning, your job would become much easier while buying a canoe. To begin with, you will have to learn to distinguish both the ends of a canoe. Though they appear the same when you first look at them, they are not the same in reality. One end is the bow which is the front end and the stern makes the back end of a canoe. If observed closely, you would be able to make out the difference in the seats at both ends of the canoe. Bow seat is broader and

The front canoe design, that helps to sever through the waters, has two types of entry lines - sharp and blunt. The former canoe is faster to paddle but harder to turn while the latter is the exact opposite slower to paddle and flexible at turns. The top edges attached to the deck plates are called the gunwales, also pronounced as gunnels. They are made from wood, vinyl or aluminum which have properties like durability, flexibility, toughness and economical.

Apart from the bow and the stern canoes have other arrangements for seating called as a thwart, which is along piece of wood straddling across the middle of the canoe design. Yoke is a special sculpted thwart made out of a wide piece of wood that is shaped to fit your shoulders with a notch in the middle for your neck. Many find a yoke less comfortable so make sure you try paddling with a canoe having a yoke before buying a canoe.

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