- Cameras in the Classroom

Description: Keep teachers and administrators accountable with cameras in the classroom.

Example domain paragraphs

"Every day we hear of incidents in which teachers defy the limits of their authority, violating the privacy of a student or contradicting the values and lessons taught by parents at home. Creating an audiovisual record that may be viewed by appropriate parties, if necessary, is the best way to encourage teachers to stick to traditional teaching." – Karen England, Executive Director Capitol Resource Institute

Critical race theory asserts that you are either oppressed or an oppressor. Promoters of CRT also claim that racism is systemic and irreparable, so the only way to rid the world of this scourge is to dismantle all of the power structures that make racism possible. No institution is exempt. The family, the church, government, the free market, etc. - all must be crushed and rebuilt according to the demands of CRT.

Organizations like Planned Parenthood and Advocates for Youth create, promote, and sell their Comprehensive Sex Ed (CSE) curriculum to public school districts across the country. The goal is complete social change: indoctrinate K-12 students with years-long programming that introduces and normalizes hyper-sexualized thinking, all forms of sexual expression, abortion, sexually transmitted infections, and sexual experimentation. These organizations are flush with funds from your tax dollars (via contractual a

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