- Camera Collecting and Restoration

camera repair (42) camera collecting (2) alphax (2) kodak 35 rf (1) kodak signet 35 (1) minolta a (1) walzflex (1) ciro-flex (1)

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I don't just like to collect older mechanical cameras. I also enjoy shooting pictures with them. After all, that's what cameras are for -- to take pictures. Although collecting is interesting in itself, and you can learn a lot about the history of photography just by collecting, I think you get a better appreciation of the development of cameras and photography by actually taking pictures with the older cameras. What's more, you'll find that many older cameras are superior in construction and image quality

Unfortunately, many old cameras have been left sitting around in less than ideal conditions and have deteriorated to the point where they won't work anymore. Except for the high quality professional cameras or rare and valuable collectibles it isn't economical to pay a professional technician to repair them. As a result, many collectors like myself have had to learn some basic camera repair skills just in order to use these little marvels of precision.

The pages that are linked below contain descriptions and repair information on some of the cameras in my collection. I've tried to pick out cameras that are inexpensive, readily available, and simple enough that an amateur tinker can have some success at getting them going again. Rather than just repeating what others have already documented, I've also tried to pick some cameras for which there isn't much information available on the Internet.