- West Edmonton Physiotherapy | West Edmonton Wellness Centre

Description: West Edmonton Physio focuses on helping you become more active and pain-free. We work with you to reduce acute and chronic pain and provide pre and post-surgery rehabilitation.

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At West end Physiotherapy, our focus is to help you become more active and pain-free. We work with you to reduce acute and chronic pain. We help you with your pre and post-surgery rehabilitation. We provide a very specific environment to maximize your recovery.

Exercise Therapy at West Edmonton Physiotherapy entails a plan of physical activities that are designed for you to help with your specific problem. Exercise therapy is designed to help you with very specific therapeutic goals to return you to maximum pre-injury state.

Rehab Therapy is a form of treatment used at West End Physiotherapy that stretches your muscles in a regimented way, remodeling the support fascia to help reduce scar tissue, strengthens muscle by creating improved muscle filament contact, relaxes muscle spasms and increases the overall flexibility…