- Callingwood Massage | West Edmonton Wellness Centre

Description: Callingwood Massage therapy help facilitate the body’s healing process using hands-on manipulation and treatments of connective tissues (tendons, ligaments, muscle, blood, and fascia).

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Massage therapy is an effective tool to help facilitate the body’s healing process. It consists of mainly hands-on manipulation and treatments of connective tissues (tendons, ligaments, muscle, blood, and fascia). At Callingwood Massage we believe living without pain with greater range of motion requires attention to detail. Life is full of adventures and challenges, to advance through these you need a healthy vessel, such as your body and you only have one.

“Our focus is to help you achieve and maintain a high level of health & wellness so you can focus on living your life.”

Our massage therapist practices an orthopedic approach dealing with pathologies such as SI joint dysfunction, Tennis & Golfer’s elbow (Lateral & Medial Epicondylitis), Knee tendinitis, Sciatic nerve impingement, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Frozen Shoulder, Bursitis and more.