- Newer Caller Workshop

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NEW LOCATION - STAY TUNED Mountain View, CA A special thank you to Mike Pogue and Christine Russell for help making this workshop happen! Suggested donation $10 per caller to help pay for the hall and nibbles. Dancers welcome and encouraged!   Dancers always dance free.  No obligation: dance all day or drop in for 5 minutes. Preliminary Schedule (we often don't follow this) 10:00AM    Hall opens Setup. Meet & greet 10:15AM First-time caller exercise 10:45AM Moving dancers around 11:30AM How to resolve the s

We'll look at... Formations and legal calls Getting the dancers into standard arrangement Flow, hand use, etc. We'll do some team calling.  Perhaps we'll get into standard facing lines and ask you what you would want to call next. How to resolve the square I'll present a method that is relatively easy to understand and requires the least amount of stuff to learn before you can start resolving.  Dancers will have caps and leis so you can easily spot your key couples.  There will be lots of time to ask questi

I highly recommend learning at least one complete singing call record.  Try to obtain a copy of a tune that you like (ask your club caller or me ) and start learning.  Once you're comfortable with the figure on the record, try fitting the Universal Singing Call Figure (or a variation) to the music. Dancing We love dancers to help our newer callers learn and progress.  Often callers will dance during other callers' turn, but this is an opportunity for any dancer to get more "floor time" and be exposed to unu