- Caledon Kennel Association - Home

Description: The Caledon Kennel Association is non-profit, all-breed dog club, located north of Toronto. Since its inception in 1974, the club has been dedicated to promoting purebred dogs by encouraging responsible breeding and ownership, and to fostering the interests of all dog owners of Caledon through education and community outreach. Each Fall, the club hosts obedience

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The Cale­don Ken­nel Asso­ci­a­tion is non-profit, all-breed dog club, located north of Toronto. Since its incep­tion in 1974, the club has been ded­i­cated to pro­mot­ing pure­bred dogs by encour­ag­ing respon­si­ble breed­ing and own­er­ship, and to fos­ter­ing the inter­ests of all dog own­ers of Cale­don through edu­ca­tion and com­mu­nity outreach.

Each Fall, the club hosts obe­di­ence and rally tri­als at Agility World in Acton and a three-day dog show held in Novem­ber. The CKA also hosts Cana­dian Good Neigh­bour ( CGN ) tests. All club events are run by vol­un­teers – from event approvals and plan­ning, right down to phys­i­cally set­ting up rings and sweep­ing up after the dust has settled!

Meet­ings are held on the sec­ond Tues­day of every month from Sep­tem­ber to June. New mem­bers and vol­un­teers are always wel­come. Mem­ber­ship in the Cale­don Ken­nel Asso­ci­a­tion offers dog lovers numer­ous oppor­tu­ni­ties to become involved in the dog fancy.

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